1/ SHOUT Helps those who are really struggling to feed their families and the homeless. If you can spare an extra item from your shopping, please donate it to SHOUT Worthing Soup Kitchen There are boxes for food donations at the church entrances of St Mary of the Angels. Thank you
2/On Peace Sunday 19th Jan we celebrate the work Pax Christi who work tirelessly to promote;
- Peace – based on justice and peace and a world where human rights are respected, basic needs are met and people feel safe.
- Reconciliation – mending relationships between individuals or whole countries during & after times of violence or dispute.
- Non-violence – a way of living and making choices that respects others, challenges what is not fair or just, and offers alternatives to violence and war.
They provide support & educational materials to support teachers, chaplains and youth workers in schools and colleges promoting a culture of peace in schools and amongst young people based on Christian values. They develop solidarity between those who are working non-violently for justice in our world.
White Peace Poppies and Prayer cards are available by the display board in the Mary Chapel on the 19th and there will be a 2nd collection for their work.
Please give generously.
3/ Meeting with Beccy Cooper MP the justice & Peace group recently met with our MP & had an excellent discussion, these are some of the questions we asked.
a/ With almost two million people using foodbanks in the UK, the highest number on record, what are your plans to tackle the cost of living crisis in our area and nationally?
b/ The UK has slashed its aid budget, turning its back on the fight against global poverty. Will you fight to restore the aid budget to 0.7% of national income, as agreed in the International Development Act, and show that we are a country committed to making the world a better place for all?
c/ Question on Gaza/Israel conflict regarding bringing about a peaceful settlement
We agreed to meet again later in the year.
4/ CAFOD As the Jubilee year begins, we’re excited to join this journey together. Our hopes are high and we hope yours are too! Watch our brand new film to find out why we have reasons to say: ‘Do get your hopes up’. Jubilee Year 2025