1/ SHOUT Helps those who are really struggling to feed their families and the homeless. If you can spare an extra item from your shopping, please donate it to SHOUT Worthing Soup Kitchen There are boxes for food donations at the church entrances of St Mary of the Angels. Thank you
2/ Sadly there have a number of deaths of homeless men and women on the streets in Worthing over the last few months. This may not be common knowledge but by getting it into the open individuals may ask themselves is there anything they can do about the situation?
3/ LIVE SIMPLY Tip of the Week. Keep the 5Rs in mind: Refuse what you do not need, Reduce what you do need, Reuse what you consume, Recycle what you cannot Refuse, Reduce or Reuse, and Rot (Compost) the rest. http://www.zerowastehome.com/about/tips/
4/ Parish projects we are approaching the end of our financial support to our present parish projects.
We are now looking for new projects. We intend to continue to support projects nationally, locally and abroad. Any parishioner who knows of any that could be considered please contact a member of the Justice & Peace Group.
5/ Letter from Fr Silvester
St Faustina Community Health Center
Kapeeka- Uganda.
Dear Friends,
Warmest greetings from the St Faustina Community Health Centre.
On behalf of the community, allow me to thank you very much for the support you have given the centre throughout the past year of 2024. We are very grateful.
As we start the New Year, Allow me to report on the following:
- We have received five consignments of donated medical and school items from you during the past year. Two of these consignments are still in our storage. We are preparing to distribute them when all pupils are back to school during the 1st / 2nd week of February. I will be sending photos and reports on the distribution.
We sometimes receive delays in shipping but we eventually receive the items well. We are very grateful that you offer support for the shipping charges. More items of a similar nature are still much needed by the community.
- We have received financial support to support our staff salaries and drugs procurement. The staff is now more up to date with their wages. In a special way parishioners have continued with the monthly support. We are very grateful.
- The number of people accessing the centre has more than doubled compared to three years ago due to your support.
- Due to the increase in number of children and families accessing the centre, the Government of Uganda has provided a specialist medical fridge for the storage of vaccines and a solar system to run it. This has happened because of your continued support
- We started working on the issue of a “Soup Kitchen” for the malnourished and isolated elderly within the community. I received £180 from you with which I purchased some utensils. We still need assistance with the stoves and construction of a proper shed. The response in the community to the idea is overwhelming. This arrangement can fend off the development of serious ailments and even early deaths.
- We still look forward for visits from your professionals who can come and offer occasional life-saving or life- enhancing interventions within our communities. This can be for example through arrangements of periodical medical camps. The centre will be much glad to host them.
- I will be sending another detailed report in February after the distribution of the items currently in storage.
Sincerely yours in Christ
Fr Silvester K Bukenya
On behalf of the Centre.
6/ The Stand at Standing Rock – DAKOTA OIL LINE A very moving video about people standing up for their human rights https://youtu.be/4FDuqYld8C8?si=ZTUTocfv1ZDx29pQ