1/ Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group give out second hand clothes to the men held in immigration detention at Gatwick (Brook House and Tinsley House detention centres), currently need Medium t-shirts, Medium & large sweatshirts, Medium & large hoodies, Medium jogging bottoms, Small, medium or large jeans, second-hand trainers. Men’s clothes only. If you have any please place in the boxes at both churches. http://www.gdwg.org.uk/
2/ Live Simply Tip of the Week Drive Less —Talk to friends about sharing a car or vehicle for grocery trips, to and from Church and other opportunities. Bike, walk, or use public transportation whenever possible. Note bus fares remain at £2
3/ STAND UP TO RACISM WORTHING COMMUNITY VIGIL Supported by: Worthing Solidarity, Parents For Peace Worthing Please join us on Thursday 15th August at Worthing Town Hall at 6pm, as a unified and diverse community, to show that:
– We have a multicultural, diverse and unified community in our town
– We reject racism, fascism, Islamophobia, and the politics of far right hate
– We stand together to defend and support refugees, Muslims, people of colour, and anyone who has been targeted or feels vulnerable
– To support young people who feel pressured by peers or social media to enact this hate or copy the language
– To do our utmost to ensure everyone feels safe and welcome in Worthing, particularly those who feel afraid or unwelcome because of skin color or religion
So please let’s come together for a peaceful demonstration, to celebrate unity and community in Worthing 🤍
– Bring flags & banners 🩵
– Bring friends & family 💛
– Bring hearts & voices 🖤
– Please share far & wide on social media