1/ Parish Projects for 2024. We have a number of project & for the next few weeks we’ll be highlighting them one at a time.
The Columbans Adopt a Tree. This is a joint project between the Higaonon indigenous people on the island of Mindanao, Southern Philippines and the Missionary Society of St. Columban. On Wed 25th Sept at 11am one of the project workers will be speaking about the project on a Zoom call direct from the Philippines. All are welcome to listen in. The Zoom link is https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81210876089
2/ The Season of Creation 1st Sept to 4th Oct during the churches annual ‘Season of Creation’ 1st Sept to 4th Oct.’ all Christians celebrate and respond to the needs of our world. This year Pope Francis calls us to “Hope and Act with Creation” and particularly urges us to act to protect our environment. This ‘Season’ will be used to encourage Parishes and all Faith groups to endorse & promote the ‘Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty’ (FFNPT). This initiative calls for a global effort to urgently transition to renewable energy, end expansion of fossil fuels, and fairly phase out production in keeping with what science shows is needed to address the climate crisis and protect our world.
Hundreds of organisations, including the European Parliament and World Health Organisation, supported by scientists and academics around the world have signed up to endorse the Treaty and join the call for world leaders to agree to phase out fossil fuel use at their next Climate meeting in Nov.
A growing number of national governments has already endorsed the need for a Treaty but the UK has not.
More information at- https://fossilfueltreaty https://seasonofcreation.org/ Home – Global Justice Now
3/ Live Simply Tip of the Week Examine your lifestyle for waste. Turn the heat down by one degree. Don’t buy bottled water if the tap water is safe to drink. Cut down on your “phantom energy” unplug items when they don’t need to be charged & turn off lights where not needed.