1/ CAFOD-DEC Middle East Humanitarian Appeal
The conflict in the Middle East is getting worse and the families affected need our help. Please donate today to the CAFOD-DEC Middle East Humanitarian Appeal and support our local Caritas partners in Gaza and Lebanon as they continue to provide essential food, water and shelter:



2/ SHOUT Worthing Soup Kitchen would like to thank you at St Mary of the Angels all for your support for the Food Bank at 219 Tarring Road it has been greatly appreciated. We are able to open more often and tackle food waste better in our community.  We are running half of the new premises as a charity shop – that should enable us to raise enough finances to cover the following year’s rent – as the food pantry will not make any money.  St Mary’s have been very generous with weekly donations of food & there’s a box each end of the church with a list of the items required.  Please donate what you can to help the poor & needy in our town.



3/ Parish Projects for 2024 South coast skate club SCSC was set up to help introduce people to the skateboard community in Worthing.  We have worked closely with the council in getting involved with Causes, events and other community groups in the area to promote the positive impact that skateboarding can have on the community and the wellbeing of induvial. Since the start we have always tried to keep the club free from any kind of fee.




4/Worthing 4 Refugees are looking for a Trustee for the charity. If interested & for further information please contact Gay Jacklin phone 07833 617997

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