“Lighthouse” is an exciting new event for our Diocese where we can come together to worship, pray together and receive prayer through the laying on of hands, receive Holy Mass and also listen to a special talk from Joe Livingston, an international evangelist from Glasgow with a powerful ministry of deliverance, healing and renewal who travels teaching the Word of God across the UK and internationally. The event is hosted by the A&B Diocese Charismatic Service of Communion (CDSC) team and will be held in St Wilfred’s School, St Wilfrid’s Way, Crawley, RH11 8PG, on Saturday 11th November, starting at 2:30pm until 6:30pm.
Please come and join us and also spread the word with those you know. It’d be wonderful for our diocese to have a huge gathering for the first of these events and for us to fill St Wilfred’s school with prayer, praise and of course, the presence of God in the Eucharist and with His holy Spirit in abundance, please God!
This event will also look forward to our first diocesan Life in the Spirit seminar being planned for Arundel Cathedral in Eastertide 2024, that we may bring about an active missionary and expectant faith across our diocese. We will discuss more about the Life in the Spirit seminar and the great speakers that have agreed to take part and what you can do to help out in the “Lighthouse” event.
Lighthouse Event Poster Nov11th2023V7 (1)