After conversations with Bishop Richard, it has been agreed that I will take a year’s sabbatical. Following that time away, God willing, I will return to Worthing & Lancing as Parish Priest. I have been in public ministry for thirty-five years and will celebrate my silver jubilee of priestly ordination next year. I value this sabbatical opportunity as a time to pray, study, read, rest, and walk the dogs. As is sometimes said, it’s a chance to press the ‘reset’ button!
An excellent priest is coming to be with you while I am away. Fr David Osborne will be joining you, as a member of our parish family, from Wednesday 20th September. Fr David has been assigned to the parish for the whole year, and he will offer you first-rate liturgical and pastoral care. He is a priest for whom I personally have great respect and admiration. I have already made arrangements for supply priests to cover the first weeks of September, until Fr David arrives. I am grateful to them for their generosity. Thus, on Monday 4th September, my sabbatical will begin.
We remain united in Jesus Christ and in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Oremus pro invicem: Let us pray for one another.
Dear Father Terry,
My family and I wish you well.
We look forward to your return ..hopefully very much refreshed as a change is really necessary.
Anna Galvin and Klatt family.
May Fr Terry find joy, peace and the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We remember Sainte-Thérèse and her reflection ” For me, prayer is a burst from my heart, it is a simple glance thrown towards heaven, a cry of thanksgiving and love in times of trial as well as in times of joy.”