1/ CAFOD Family Fast Day Appeal – The Harvest 2nd Collection at Masses will be next Sunday 8th Oct. Dr Nasha’s mobile medical clinic gets life-saving help to where it’s needed most, fast – so when her team arrived in Meera’s village in Pakistan after it had been destroyed by flooding, Meera rushed to the clinic to get her children the treatment they needed. Next Fri is Harvest Fast Day
Please take an envelope from the seats this Sun & return it next Sunday (fill in the gift aid section if a tax payer) so that more families can get the expert help they need. You can also donate on the CAFOD website https://cafod.org.uk/ or from next weekend on the card machine each end of the church
2/ Season of Creation We find ourselves at the end of the Season of Creation with the joyful news of “Laudate Deum,” Pope Francis’ new apostolic exhortation as a follow-up to the encyclical Laudato Si’.
On Wednesday, October 4th, as we celebrate St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of ecology, we will experience a day of true celebration. In addition to the Season of Creation closing event and the beginning of the Synod of Bishops on Synodality, “Laudate Deum” will be released.
That’s why we invite you to join our event at which we will share the content of the exhortation together with scientists, religious and lay people who will help us understand how important they are for our daily lives.
3/ Wars & Poverty “If the wars and poverty in the world today make you feel powerless, take back your power by connecting to migrants and refugees who flee other lands, and listen to their stories. By walking together and talking with each other we recognise a sister, a brother, a neighbour and ourselves.” Cardinal Luis Tagle President of Caritas Internationalis
If you are able to offer any of these household items, please
contact Svetlana directly on kostyathebest47@gmail.com to
check they still need the items and to arrange delivery
2 double beds
1 single bed (possibly cabin bed)
3 wardrobes and chest of drawers
washing machine
desk and chair
dining table and 4 chairs
TV and TV table
other kitchen equipment/crockery/cutlery
Thanks once again for your help and your generosity.
Gay Jacklin
Charity Lead Worthing 4 Refugees