Refugee Exhibition The Justice & Peace group displayed the Stations Exhibition on Worthing sea front for 3 months until August. We now have to return it to Gloucestershire in the next few weeks. This could be organised through a courier service but they’re expensive, if there’s anyone with a car or small van is heading that way in the near future & could take the exhibition boards we would be happy to pay the fuel costs. Please email
Fr Silvester On Sun 17th Sept there will be a 2nd collection to help with the cost of drugs & a shortfall in wages for the medical staff, the reason for this shortfall is because poor people can’t afford to pay the full costs for their treatment . The church & the Ugandan Government helps but both only has a limited amount of funds. Thank you in advance for those able to contribute
Season of Creation Dive into the inspiring sounds of “A Mighty River,” the song of Season of Creation 2023. & “Let There be Light” Great videos Listen and let the melodies inspire you on the path to a more sustainable world.
Live Simply Tip of the Week Every time you buy something new, get rid of something old, preferably by recycling