Fr Silvester from Uganda who the parish has supported over the years wants to provide a 5,000 litre water tank at a cost of £980. Fr Silvester says “We want to harvest rain water from the roof of the Health Centre for it to be stored. The tank will save on the use of pumped water which consumes electricity. This is very eco-friendly and the water is clean. We get plenty of torrential rains in Uganda. Just one downpour can fill it up. The collected water can be used by the community for several weeks before another downpour of rain happens”. Next Sunday there will be a 2nd collection to raise money for this project, please give what you can.
Fairtrade Easter Eggs including an illustrated Easter story book for children that covers the final week of the life of Jesus and includes the events of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday are on sale at St Mary’s this Sun & at Holy Family from next Sun.
Live Simply Tip of the Week – Food Waste UK households waste 6.5 million tonnes of food every year, 4.5 million of which is edible at a cost of £14 billion. By being clever with our menu choices for the week, savvy storage ideas & using up leftovers, the average family of four can save £60 a month (or £720 a year) by reducing the amount of food they throw away. In addition to the benefits to our pockets, 25-30% of global carbon emissions are created by growing & producing food alone so reducing food waste also helps our planet.
CAFOD Stand in solidarity with small-scale farmers Its clear that our current global food system is in crisis, and at the heart of this crisis is a struggle over control of the world’s seeds. Please sign the petition
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