1/ Live Simply Tip of the Week Make your Sunday lunch planet-friendly, by choosing local, seasonal ingredients to roast, and ditching the meat. Even better, make the most of your oven’s energy by filling it up. Cook a pudding. Or roast extra veggies, like butternut squash, to add to pasta or risotto later in the week. Provided by Friends of the Earth http://www.foe.co.uk
2/ Refugees and Asylum Seekers For many years local refugees and asylum seekers have sought English lessons, and while there are ESOL providers locally, few of them are easy access (no registration required) or are for those with little or no English or can cater for different levels of English. Many refugees and asylum seekers face significant barriers to joining classes (difficult time/place/childcare needs/wrong level etc.), Worthing 4 Refugees’ response has been to provide very successful one to one teaching in their home.
Worthing 4 Refugees are launching a pilot of new easy-access English classes. Starting on May 1st, please find a link to the flyer with all the information on. It will not stop during the school holidays, so it may particularly be useful during late July and August.
It is also open to non-refugees/asylum seekers for a small charge (£1.50 per class); it’s FREE for refugees and asylum seekers.
3/ Christian Aid 2nd Collection – Next Sun 19th May a 2nd collection for Christian Aid Week will take place after all Masses
4/ CAFOD Year of Prayer Webinars: During this Year of Prayer, we will be offering some webinars exploring different ways of praying. We start with Imaginative Contemplation led by Stephen Hoyland of The Jesuits in Britain on Tuesday 28 May from 7-8pm. https://cafod.org.uk/pray/year-of-prayer/year-of-prayer-webinars