1/ LIVE SIMPLY Tip of the Week Recycle your coffee grounds If you make coffee at home, you might already add the grounds to your compost bin or wormery. But did you know you can also sprinkle them directly on the soil? They’re a great free source of nitrogen and minerals. If you don’t drink coffee, your local cafe or coffee shop will probably be more than happy to donate their used grounds. Provided by Friends of the Earth http://www.foe.co.uk
2/ The United Nations Development Goals –The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development Goal 2 is about creating a world free of hunger by 2030. In 2020, between 720 million and 811 million persons worldwide were suffering from hunger. The number of people going hungry and suffering from food insecurity had been gradually rising between 2014 and the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The war in Ukraine is further disrupting global food supply chains and creating the biggest global food crisis since the Second World War. https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/hunger/ we’ll be looking at each of these goals over the coming weeks https://sdgs.un.org/goals
3/ CAFOD Fix the Food System At the heart of the global food crisis is a struggle for control over the world’s seeds. For generations, small-scale farmers have freely swapped and shared a wide variety of seeds.
However, the freedom of farmers to choose what seeds they use is under threat as the World Bank supports new laws which push farmers towards using seeds sold by big agribusiness.
This puts control of the world’s seeds into the hands of a few giant corporations. If we want a sustainable food system, then we must stand with small farmers across the world as they fight for control over their seeds.
Join us in demanding the World Bank end all policies that restrict farmers’ freedoms to choose which seeds they use to grow food & sign our giant letter which will be in both churches next Sun 22nd July
4/ Transition Town Worthing Repair Café is Sat 29th July – 10am-4pm at the Quaker Meeting House, 34 Mill Road, Worthing, BN11 5DR.
As usual the amazing team of volunteers will be on hand to share their skills and help you to repair your clothes, toys, bicycles, laptops, small household electrical/electronic items, small items of furniture and knife/scissor sharpening. Please book via the online booking form here: www.ttworthing.org/repair-cafe/#repair-booking-form
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