1/ Christian Aid Week a 2nd collection will take place after Masses this weekend. Please add your donation to the envelope & fill in the Gift Aid section if a tax payer. Thank you
2/ Live Simply Tip of the Week Buy less stuff—Before purchasing something new, ask yourself, “Do I need this? Does this bring me joy?” Have clothes, shoes, and other items repaired rather than throwing them out.
3/ Refugees and Asylum Seekers For many years local refugees and asylum seekers have sought English lessons, few of them are easy access (no registration required) or are for those with little or no English or can cater for different levels of English. Many refugees and asylum seekers face significant barriers to joining classes (difficult time/place/childcare needs/wrong level etc.), Worthing 4 Refugees’ response has been to provide very successful one to one teaching in their home. Worthing 4 Refugees are launching a pilot of new easy-access English classes. Starting on May 1st, It will not stop during the school holidays, so it may particularly be useful during late July and August. It is also open to non-refugees/asylum seekers for a small charge (£1.50 per class); it’s FREE for refugees and asylum seekers. worthing4refugees.org.uk/ https://mcusercontent.com/f2d882b822585a73ec281fb6a/files/0f4d2ad6-01f0-7312-3117-096121e47cf7/W4R_English_Classes_Flyers.pdf
4/ CAFOD Easter Walk Thanks to everyone who took part in the walk, so far we’ve raised approx. £600 including gift aid. Please could other’s who did the walk please let the Justice & Peace group know how much they raised.
5/ Legacy Event Join Diana Trimino who leads CAFOD’s work in Latin America to explore the power of leaving a gift in your Will to make a lasting impact in the world, at St Peter’s Church, Shoreham-by-Sea, on Thu 27 June 10:30am to 12:30pm. To find out more and to book your place please go to cafod.org.uk/legacyevent
David Mumford
I am a retired Episcopal priest (from Scotland) and have just moved into Ramsay Hall on Byron Road.
I would be grateful if you could let me know of any J&P local activities.