CAFOD – The Big One There will be a big day of climate action on Friday 21 April. As part of wider events, CAFOD is working with Christian Aid and Tearfund to plan a gathering that will start at 11am at St John’s church in Waterloo, starting with a service and then processing to Parliament Square. Keep an eye on for more details over the coming weeks. The will also be many other climate/development groups & individuals involved.
Live Simply Tip of the Week Make your own compost. Shop-bought costs over £4.00 for 20 litres. A heap in your back garden is absolutely free.
Put your faith into action, learning and serving with the Columbans!
The Columbans in Britain are delighted to be running their Faith in Action Programme once again and are welcoming applications from interested persons
The Columbans ‘Faith in Action’ programme is an appointment for enthusiastic young adults to join the Columban Mission team in Britain and to explore their faith through active participation in mission and to give their time, skills and energy in support of disadvantaged and vulnerable people. The programme offers young adults the chance to put faith into action through projects and activities connected to refugees and asylum seekers, inter faith initiatives and justice and peace education. See