1/ How to get involved with CAFOD do you have any spare time. In whichever way you support our work, you are helping to ensure that no one is beyond reach of the love and care they need. There’s fundraising, volunteering or campaigning. For more info go to https://cafod.org.uk/
2/ SHOUT WSK stands for Street Homeless Outreach Worthing Soup Kitchen. We are a registered charity that provides engagement and emergency food for the homeless and vulnerable community in Worthing, West Sussex. Our aim is to work towards making homelessness in Worthing a thing of the past. For mor info go to https://www.worthingsoupkitchen.co.uk/about-us/
3/ The Society of St. Columban is an international Catholic missionary organisation centred on the Eucharist that crosses boundaries of culture and religion to reveal, by word and by action, the Good News of Jesus Christ. We participate in God’s mission and help to establish a world of peace with justice and care for the integrity of creation in solidarity with poor, exploited and marginalised communities. https://columbans.co.uk/
4/ LIVE SIMPLY Tip of the Week Keep stems for solitary bees. If you’re doing a spot of gardening, don’t be tempted to tidy too much. Hollow plant stems & soft rotten wood provide a welcome home for some of our solitary bees and other pollinating insects such as lacewings and beetles. Provided by Friends of the Earth http://www.foe.co.uk