1/ St Faustina Community Health Centre in Uganda. Our churches have supported the Centre for several years now. providing much needed equipment for the Centre and for projects to help school children & groups in the community. Our J&P Group have liaised with Fr Sylvester, Head of the Centre, and responded to their requests for help by organising collections and transportation of goods which our parishioners have so generously donated, and which has been of great help in enabling the Centre to meet the needs of the local community.
There’s a display of photos received from Fr Sylvester showing how our support has been put to such good use. You can view the display in the Mary Chapel at the car park end of St. Mary’s church, and in Holy Family church.
If you would like to contribute to the work of St Faustina on a regular basis, or with a one-off donation, please go to their website: stfaustinamedicalcenter.com/
2/ New Parish Projects The Justice & Peace Group are considering news projects to support as from April. If any parishioners has any projects/charities in mind either at home or abroad please email rod_rugby@yahoo.co.uk
3/ Live Simply Tip of the week – What’s Food Waste got to do with Climate Change? Globally, 30-35% of total food produced is lost or wasted, and food waste is estimated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to contribute 8-10% of total man-made greenhouse gas emissions. If food waste were a country, it would be the world’s third largest emitter after China and the USA.
4/ Fairtrade Easter Eggs Are on sale today at St Mary’s including a new 24 page Easter story activity book that shares the true meaning of Easter.
5/ Worthing Deanery Big Easter Walk for CAFOD. On Sat 20th April the churches in the Deanery are arranging a sponsored walk on behalf on CAFOD. Distances can be between 1 mile & 30 miles, anywhere between Littlehampton & Shoreham/Steyning whatever people want to do. You can walk alone, with friends & family in a buggy or wheelchair. Everyone is welcome to join in. It could be the choir, altar servers, groups within the church or individuals. More information will be provided at both churches from next weekend.
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