CAFOD Family Fast Day – Lent Appeal This Lent, your donations to CAFOD’s Family Fast Day Appeal will help families fighting the climate crisis and ensure that our Church network can quickly respond to emergencies, like the recent earthquake in Syria and Turkey. Please take an envelope this Sunday including filling in the Gift Aid section if a UK tax payer & return it next Sunday when there will be a 2nd collection or go to  Also please take a prayer card & join us in praying for CAFOD’s development and emergency response work all over the world.


Parish Projects In April we will be looking for another Project to take over from Living Pearl who we’ve been supporting for two years. SHOUT the homeless/austerity project will continue for another year.  Anyone who may know of a future project we can support please email or speak to any of the Justice & Peace members.


LIVE SIMPLY Tip of the Week Stick at 70 mph on motorways instead of cruising at 80–85 mph. Not only is it illegal, but fuel costs can go up by as much as 4p/5p a mile for small cars. According to the Slower Speed initiative driving at 50 mph instead of 70 mph can reduce fuel consumption further by 30%


Fairtrade Fortnight is 27th Feb to 12th March. We will have information stalls at both churches this Sunday & next.  Look out for special offers on Fairtrade goods around the area during this period

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