CAFOD World Gifts: Give a gift of hope this Christmas In Advent, let’s share the promise of hope that has been made to us with our sisters and brothers around the world. You can buy CAFOD’s World Gifts for family and friends this Christmas online at / or pick up a catalogue in church. World Gifts such as “super soup kitchens”, “trees for life”, or “water for a family” will help transform lives in a world filled with challenges.
Living Pearl Boy’s Orphanage Here’s the latest from our parish project. The boys have now returned from Poland where they’ve been refugees since the start of the Russian conflict. They are now back at the Orphanage in Ukraine after a unanimous vote to go home. They are back in their own school, healthy and happy and in good mental health.
Aid to the Church in Need. The second collection was held last Sunday, if anyone still want to give online it’s
Please look out for the Red Wednesday banners outside of both churches to remind passers by of the the problems faced by many Christians around the world.
Live Simply Tip of the week Plant a Tree scheme. Celebrate a significant faith event by investing in a greener environment. Suitable for baptisms, adult receptions, first communions, confirmations and marriages. For further information
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