1/ Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group give out second hand clothes to the men held in immigration detention at Gatwick (Brook House and Tinsley House detention centres), currently need Shorts Trainers/shoes Jacket Jumper Joggers Trousers Track suit Suitcase T-shirt Jeans, all sizes. Men’s clothes only. If you have any please place in the boxes this Sunday & next at both churches. www.gdwg.org.uk/
2/ The United Nations Development Goals –The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Goal 12 Ensure Sustainable Consumption & production Patterns https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal12 SDG 12 is meant to ensure good use of resources, improve energy efficiency and sustainable infrastructure, provide access to basic services, create green and decent jobs, and ensure a better a better quality of life for all. https://sdgs.un.org/goals
3/ Parish Projects From the Parish project money so far, we have been able to donate to some local charities, including SHOUT, Electric Storm Youth, Ferring Country Centre & Superstar Arts, plus a donation to CAFOD for their medical outreach teams throughout the world. See letters of appreciation that will be displayed at both churches.
4/ Live simply Tip of the Week Plastic bags only serve their purpose for an average of 30 minutes before they are thrown away. This leads to huge amounts of plastic waste ending up in our oceans every year. What can you do to help reduce the amount of trash in our environment?
5/ Message from CAFOD We have some big news about our Fix the Food System campaign! Over 70,000 parishioners from 762 parishes including our parish supported the letter calling on the World Bank to protect farmers’ rights to freely access their traditional seeds – this fundamental right has increasingly come under threat from restrictive seed laws pushed by the Bank. Our campaign is working. Following our latest actions, the World Bank has started to listen. They agreed to meet with CAFOD representatives in both London and Morocco and have started to look at the issue. This is an important step forward in this campaign, and we want to pass on a big thanks to you. Like everything worth fighting for, this is not an easy journey. We need to continue strengthening international solidarity and build on what we’ve achieved this year to ensure that the discussions we are now having with the World Bank lead to tangible action.
6/ Join CAFOD to urge James Cleverly Foreign Secretary to call for peace and international law to be upheld in the Holy Land. https://action.cafod.org.uk/page/136932/action/1?locale=en-GB