CAFOD’s Latest Campaign – stand in solidarity with small-scale farmers At the heart of the global food crisis is a struggle for control over the world’s seeds. For generations, small-scale farmers have freely swapped and shared a wide variety of seeds. However, the freedom of farmers to choose what seeds they use is under threat as the World Bank supports new laws which push farmers towards using seeds sold by big agribusiness. This puts control of the world’s seeds into the hands of a few giant corporations. If we want a sustainable food system, then we must stand with small farmers across the world as they fight for control over their seeds. Join us in demanding the World Bank end all policies that restrict farmers’ freedoms to choose which seeds they use to grow food. Please email the World Bank
Live Simply Tip of the Week – No Mow May For those of you with lawns this is a national campaign to encourage people not to mow their lawns until the end of May in order to boost the flowers, and nectar, available to pollinating insects such as bees, butterflies and moths.
Aid to the Church in Need Pease sign the petition to bring to justice those responsible for genocidal attacks such as the Pentecost Sunday Massacre & countless other killings abductions & other atrocities