1/ The J&P & SVP groups are having stall’s with a letter for parishioners to sign leading up to the General Election for this Sunday & the following one. There are three questions that parishioners could sign up to, these have been taken from the briefing received from SVP/CAFOD.  These questions will then be emailed to the candidates for them to reply with their answers.  They could also be used if candidates come to their doors or they could be asked at Hustings if any are arranged locally. The questions are

a/ With almost two million people using foodbanks in the UK, the highest number on record, what are your plans to tackle the cost of living crisis in our area and nationally?

b/ The UK has slashed its aid budget, turning its back on the fight against global poverty. Will you, if elected, agree to restore the aid budget to 0.7% of national income, as agreed in the International Development Act, and show that we are a country committed to making the world a better place for all?

c/ If elected, what steps would you take to ensure businesses are held responsible for their operations, both at home and abroad to ensure workers’ rights are upheld, affected communities are safeguarded and the natural environment is protected?



2/ SHOUT (Worthing Soup Kitchen) Donations of food required for the Community Fridge please place items in the boxes at St Mary’s one at the Carpark end & one under the card reader at the east end. Thank you



3/ Restore Nature Now March Sat 22nd June London.  Nature Needs You!  Rivers choking on pollution, precious woodlands destroyed, seas overfished & peat bogs burned. Nature in the UK is being assaulted. Last year XRUK created The Big One, where we invited other organisations, charities and groups to demand government action on the climate and ecological nature. On June 22 we return to London, this time, side by side with dozens of organisations and thousands of people from across the country to demand action in a truly co-created action. This March will have added urgency as it comes less than two weeks before polling day.  Pledge to march, find out more information and check out the supporting organisations:


4/ Refugee Week (17-23 June), we’re linking migrant justice and climate groups to share their stories and amplify the interconnections between our movements.  There are a few different ways you can get involved in this collaboration project: In the lead up, you can start sharing Refugee Week with events & simple acts to your networks and supporters

People have always moved, yet as the climate crisis worsens and the impacts on people in marginalised communities become more severe, more people are being forced to leave their homes.

At the same time countries and corporations in the global north profit from the increased militarisation and proliferation of racist border policies. The securitisation of the climate crisis – where border policies are cast as ‘solution’ to the effects of climate breakdown – prevents climate action. It threatens and dehumanises people who move, people who have typically done the least to cause this crisis. Find out more:


5/ LIVE SIMPLY Tip of the Week. Don’t bin or recycle glass jars. Soak them to remove the labels and then fill them with loose ingredients like coffee, tea, pasta or porridge oats.  From Greenpeace

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