1/ Diocese Justice & Peace Assembly 2024 The St Philip Howard Centre, Crawley, RH10 6RP Sat 27th Jan from 10am to 1.30pm this year’s subject is “Safe at home, safe in our communities”? Addressing violence and abuse in our homes, families, and wider community. All welcome
2/ The Catholic Worker Farm provides temporary accommodation, food, English lessons, counselling and other services for destitute (without access to public funds) female asylum seekers (who we call our ‘sisters’) and their children, at no charge. All of the women are street homeless and are referred to the CW Farm by refugee services/agencies, Social Services, The Constabulary and other bodies. The CW Farm /Mary House meets the physical needs in relation to shelter, food and clothing, but just as importantly, enables the guests to live in a supportive and loving environment. The J&P group has supported this group https://thecatholicworkerfarm.org/
3/ LIVE SIMPLY Tip of the Week. Libraries don’t just loan books. Lots of them hire out music cassettes and CDs, movie videos and DVDs, and even PlayStation games. Use your library to save yourself the cost of building up your own collection https://friendsoftheearth.uk/
4/CAFOD School Volunteers Urgently Needed to Inspire Younger Generations. Do you enjoy working with children & young people? Could you help to inspire & empower them? You will add to parish & school life, complementing the work of teachers, priests & catechists. For more information contact Jenny at your local CAFOD volunteer centre. arundelandbrighton@cafod.org.uk Tel 01483 573273 Mob07710 094448
Justice & Peace for further updates & news please go to the parish website & social media https://www.catholicparishofworthingandlancing.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/stmarysjpworthing